KWQQ Los Angeles
Broadcasting web sites all over the globe. - the place to host your web site, the place to have your site designed, the place to have your print advertisement coordinated with your web presence, and the place to get your site marketed.

If you are looking for a web site provider that not only rents you some space on his server but one that assists you in making the site do its job of promoting your business you have come to the right place.

In the early days of the internet it was enough just to have a web site - the motto being something like

"Build it and they will come!"

but this is not true any more today. There are just too many that were built and so some things need to be done to be noticed.

This is what we mean by marketing your site. You will find so many offers of submitting your website to hundred or even thousands of search engines - so what? Just a few is enough - or how many search engines do you know and how many do you use? Not hundreds, right?

Or these other services that promise you thousands of hits for thirty bucks. We investigate those and the last one we researched was really a waste of money - yes you get the hits, but from whom? Either programs that pretend to be real visitors or at best people who look at your site with the only reason that somebody else looks at their web site - surely no motivated visitors.

Sorry to say - but it still is true - you get what you pay for.

For information please send e-mail to
or call +1 (818) 400-1108